
Thursday, 25 December 2014

Miracles Can Happen!

This is the time when we, especially our kids expect miracles!  Santa is expected to miraculously know what we want for Christmas and either bring these gifts to us via the chimney at night into our homes or allow us to sit on his lap to receive our expected gifts!  It is also the time when parents start convincing suspecting over-grown kids that Santa actually exists and/or explaining to their over-observant, philosophical and clever kids why they have been lied to all these years!  Not a comforting place to be as a parent!

As grown-ups we continue to expect miracles but our scientific and logical minds doubt the possibility and validity of such happenings.

Yes, it’s the end of the year – again!  A full week of festivity and love! While we are relaxing and feasting, we also stop from time to time to reflect in the past year.   As grown-ups, it is time to reflect and re-evaluate our choices and actions during the past year!  Did any miracles occur?
I tend to do this at the end of every year – reflect and re-evaluate my life choices!  Is it helping?  I’m not so sure!  I almost always beat myself up for not doing better and usually end up blaming God, my higher self, the universe, whoever, for not taking greater care of me; for not directing me towards the most successful path and basically for leaving me to my own devices and allowing me to make a fool of myself!

Yes, it is easier to blame the higher powers!  Someone has to be blamed and who better to take the blame than the Omni-Potent Being(s)!  They should know better and direct us accordingly.  And if they really care, they should have made an extra effort to give us a plan and come save us from all our misfortunes and mistakes!

It is exactly this way of thinking that keeps me and you stuck in one place or situation!  The expectation that a guideline would mysteriously fall into our laps as to where and how we need to go to get our miracles in life!  We are expecting a miracle but we are not bold enough to go out and make the miracle happen.  We forget that we are the instruments that God uses to bring about the miracle.  We expect the higher forces to take charge, get it all done and simply hand it over to us on a plate!  We are too scared to take the initiative for fear that it might all go wrong and we might discover that our expected miracle was just that – an expectation in our imagination!  And that we won’t be able to face the shame of this discovery!

Yes, we are afraid to walk down the tunnel in case the light does not come on at the end of the tunnel! We would like to have a glimpse of this light before we actually start walking down the tunnel!  But what if the tunnel is not a straight tunnel?  What if, it is a bendy tunnel with lots of turns and corners?  Should that really stop us from walking down the tunnel?  That kind of takes away the adventure and the fun of walking down the tunnel doesn’t it?  Wouldn’t you like to feel the excitement that comes with discovering something new; having a new experience?

It is basically such limiting thoughts that keep you and myself stuck in our old ways and situations.  These fearful thoughts prevent us from going out to create the situations that will provide us with the miracles we long for and expect from a loving universe.  So what if it doesn’t happen the way we expected?  We learn from it and move on!  Take a different turn the next time or simply do it differently!  Most of all we would have learned a lot more about ourselves – our strengths and weaknesses in times of anxiety and in the face of the unknown!  We would of course get better at “walking in the dark”!

God meets us at the level at which we are and blesses our efforts to make ourselves better.  Yes, miracles do happen but they cannot happen if we stay put in one position.  We need to go out, start the process and expect that the touch of God, the midas touch, whatever you choose to call it, will turn our process/efforts into a miracle and make it a big success!

As the year slowly draws to an end, I am chastising myself for the times I talked myself into not taking action on an idea; the times I convinced myself that my idea could not be successfully brought into fruition and therefore never acted on the idea!  Yet, that doesn’t stop me from expecting a miracle though!  The idea might just jump out of my head onto a page, and subsequently into action and then before I know it, I shall be running down the tunnel, albeit in the dark, into the bright light of success!

I wish you all a prosperous 2015!  Make it prosperous by literally following your dreams to a miraculous success!  Just take one step at a time and you will get there.  Bear in mind that you can’t get there, wherever there is, by standing still!